Pile of leeks.
Home » Italian Food » Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables in April in Italy

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables in April in Italy

Last updated on January 30th, 2025

If you are traveling to Italy in April then you are in luck! April is one of the best months for fresh produce because it’s a time when several crops overlap in their growing season, making it one of the most diverse months.

Let’s take a look at the seasonal fruits and vegetables that to take the stage in Italy in April. Look for these seasonal fruits and vegetables in April in Italy when deciding what to order at restaurants or pick up at supermarkets or outdoor markets. 

And because April is such a diverse month in terms of weather patterns, you are sure to see even more than what I go over here, encompassing that year’s particularly prolific crops that may have an extended season due to increased rainfall, a dry season, heat or harsh cold temperatures. You just never know what you will get in April but this list will help you nail down what is sure to be in season. 

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Seasonal Produce in April in Italy

Spring in Italy is one of the most prolific times in terms of agriculture as we see a lot of overlap from the winter’s produce and new spring crops. We still see a ton of greenery at markets, plenty of winter citrus but also new color from strawberries and other fruits. 

April is a time of year in Italy when you can get a bit of everything in terms of seasonal vegetables but fruits are still limited to winter crops and strawberries. 

Seasonal Vegetables in April in Italy

The best seasonal fruits and vegetables in April in Italy come from open air markets as opposed to Italian grocery stores.

Learn more about Italian Markets:
How to Shop at Markets in Italy
10 Rules for Shopping at Markets in Italy
Incredible Food Markets in Italy
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Food Markets in Florence
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side view of a large pile of purple and green artichokes outdoors for sale at an open air market from side view.

Artichokes in Italy have a long growing season starting in January and going through April or May (depending on the year). There are several different varieties including the large globe kind, the smaller, cone shaped variety and finally, the small baby artichokes more readily available in April and May in Italy. Artichokes are particularly popular in Rome


Arugula is a bitter salad green grown throughout the winter months in Italy. It’s also available in the summer but I have found that the spring months are when it has the most flavor.  


Greens and salad varieties are in season all year around in Italy. Ask at the market what variety is di stagioni or in season, which will depend on which part of Italy you are visiting. 


Bunches of Tuscan kale on display in a plastic market basket.

Kale or cavolo nero is a winter vegetable in Italy that is still available at most markets in April. You might see baby kale leaves instead of large, wide leaves but these are even more flavorful and tender, perfect for salads! 

To learn all about cooking with kale read Popular Tuscan Kale Recipes – What Italians Make With Tuscan Kale. 

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a vegetable in Italy that we see grown locally for most months of the year. Look for smaller leaves with tender stems for better flavor., 


Asparagus is one of the best green vegetables us locals look forward to every year for just a month or two starting in April. At this time of year we see both green and the highly prized white varieties. Try making Spring Italian Farro Salad with fresh asparagus!


four whole fennels in a line on a marble countertop from birds eye view.

Fennel or finocchio is one of Italy’s favorite flavors. It has a mild anise taste with a chunky bite, making it an extremely versatile Italian vegetable. You will find finocchio throughout the winter and into May. Enjoy it baked, sauteed, grilled, pickled or enjoyed raw with olive oil


Celery known as sedano in Italian is similar to onions and carrots, available 12 months a year but the best comes into season starting in the fall and going through mid May. It’s enjoyed raw with olive oil or used to make soffritto, the holy trinity of any Italian recipe. 

To learn more about soffritto, check out
Freezing Soffritto
How to Use Soffrito
Italian Soffritto – Step-By-Step Instructions


Celeriac is the root of the celery seasonally available at the same time as celery. Look for these large, knobby round potato-like vegetables next to the other root vegetables. My favorite way to use it is as if it were a potato, baked, roasted or in soups.


side view of carrots and leeks for sale at an open air market in Italy outdoors displayed side by side.

Porri or leeks are a favorite mild onion with a very long growing season in Italy from October through May. They are commonly used in risotto, pasta, vegetable side dishes and even fried or sliced thinly in salads. 

Italian Green Beans

Italian green beans or taccole are a wide, fat variety of string beans that are meaty and hearty. We start to see them at the end of April but the season continues through the summer. 


Piselli are a spring Italian vegetable that first appears at markets in April. Although a bit early, pea season does fluctuate quite a bit depending on the climate and rainfall of any given year. While shelling them can be a hassle, don’t be afraid of a little hard work as fresh peas in Italy are one of the best vegetables you can try in the spring! 

Fava Beans

top view of close up of a large pile of fava beans outdoors ready to be shelled.

Like peas, fava beans first make their appearance in Italy in April. These bitter beans are great finger food, perfectly paired with local cheese for a A No-Cook Picnic Lunch In Italy.

Seasonal Fruits in April in Italy

You will also notice that after a long winter of citrus, apples and pears in Italy, we finally see some new color and flavor on the table in terms of seasonal fruits in April in Italy. April is also warm enough in most parts of Italy to start enjoying the new fruit flavored gelato that will hit the cases! 


Close up of three lemons with leaves on a white marble surface.

Lemons grow in southern Italy and Sicily from the fall through the spring but their real, true season is from February and into early May. Look for limoni biologici (organic), which have the best flavor and are of higher quality. 

Loquats (Medlars)

Basket full of nespole fruit.

Nespole or loquats, sometimes called medlars, are a small fruit that looks similar to a small apricot but with a bitter flavor best described as a mix between apple and apricot. They are quite unique and have a short growing season, starting at the end of April in southern Italy. If you are in northern or central Italy, you may not see them until May. 


Strawberries appear in March but it’s not until April and May that we get the best strawberries from local Italian farms. Always check the origin before purchase which will tell you a lot about the quality. Of all fruits, this is one that is best purchased at open air markets rather than Italian grocery stores. 


Pomegranates or melegrane in Italian are a beloved winter fruit that starts to show up in the winter in Italy. Lucky for us, the season goes through the beginning of April so keep your eyes out for the last ones before summer starts.  


Kiwis are considered a winter fruit in Italy, grown throughout all of central and southern Italy. April is the tail end of the growing season.


Pile of cosce pears in Italy.

Pears are a winter fruit that are readily available from November through May. Look for a small variety called pere cosce, which starts to become available in April and eat them with cheese as an appetizer. 

Curious to know more about Italy’s seasonal foods, dishes, and produce? Check out

Foods to Eat in Italy by Month in JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember and by Season in Spring – Summer – FallWinter.

Italian Fruits and Vegetables in Season in JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember.

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